Wayne Thiebaud
Best known for his paintings of cakes, pies, pastries, and toys, Wayne Thiebaud hadn’t planned on becoming a visual artist. He apprenticed as a cartoonist at Walt Disney studios and intended to work as a commercial illustrator, but his friend Robert Mallary turned him towards a career in fine art. Thiebaud was friendly with Franz Kline and Willem de Kooning, but avoided their Abstract Expressionism in favor of a figural style. Though Thiebaud is most often grouped with the Pop art movement for his subject matter, the artist considers himself “just an old fashioned painter,” and “not a card carrying Pop artist.” He remains best known for his still lifes of confections—sometimes painted from his own memories—which he considers interpretations of “Americanness.” In his works, objects and their shadows are characteristically outlined in multiple colors, creating a visual effect Thiebaud calls akin to vibration.
Cherry Cakes (Recent Etchings II)
Etching and aquatint
22.75 x 29.75 inches (sheet)
Publisher, Parasol Press, New York
Printer, Crown Point Press, San Francisco
Edition of 50
Signed and numbered in pencil with printer’s chop mark
Pie Slice
Etching on Fabriano paper
5.75 x 4.25 inches (image)
Publisher, Arturo Schwarz, Milan
Edition of 60
Signed and numbered in pencil